Saturday, June 23, 2012

Public Domain Profits

The Secret To Making Money Online Is To Understand That Content Is KING!

Maybe you've heard this term before, but I don't think that most people realize the true power behind this old saying.

Let's face it, while you can use it to check email, shop, and socialize with people, the primary reason 99% of people come to the internet is searching for information, a.k.a content.

The internet is called the information super highway for this very reason.

If you want to make the most money online as quickly as possible you need to be selling what people are looking for!

Which is what? Information, or content!

Now here are the two most popular and lucrative business models that you can use to make money with content starting today!

Lucrative Content Business Model #1: Niche Websites

The main draw for any website for any visitor online is the amount and quality of the content on it.

People are interested in many things, and there are literally thousands of little niche marketplaces out there.

And if you can create a website or blog focused around a certain subject matter, then put informative and high quality content on it, you can make money quickly and easily.

This is easily done, because there are tons of companies and corporations doing business inside that niche marketplace and they'll gladly pay you to advertise on your site.

So you capture people's attention with high quality content and make money from advertising, the same way television programs capture attention and make money from commercials.

This is a great way to make money, but there is another way to make an extreme amount of money quick and easily with content.

Lucrative Content Business Model #2: Information Products

Like I said before, people are coming online mainly seeking different types of information.

But there is, and always will be a major problem with the internet.

It's just incredibly enormous, and it's growing like crazy each and every day.

So if someone is looking for a very specific kind of information, they may have to spend hours and hours surfing the web, visiting hundreds of sites, until they find it.

The issue is that most people hate doing that.

And right now, there's an opportunity for us to make money by packing information that people are interested into single products that we then can sell to them.

And even though they could find it all out themselves, they will gladly pay us so they don't have to spend hours and hours looking for it!

We can literally create these types of products within any type of marketplace that you can think of.

Best of all, once you've made the product, you can keep on selling it over and over again to the same market!

As you can see, both of these business models can be incredibly lucrative and make you a lot of money really fast, but there's a major problem that keeps most people from succeeding at either one:

You've Got To Create The Content!

There Is A Near Unlimited Amount Of Content Floating Around Out There In The Mythical Space Known As The Public Domain!

If you've never heard of the public domain, then you're in for a real treat.

The public domain is a classification for all types of media that are not covered by intellectual property rights or copyrighted.

This means that if something is in the public domain, you can use it however you wish.

And for us internet marketer's, it means that we can take public domain content and use it on our websites and inside of our information products to make a ton of money!

Think about how much money you could make if you could produce high quality information products in record time, because you've sourced 90% of the material from the public domain?

Think about how much money you could make if you could produce high quality content articles for your website in record time, because you've sourced 90% of the material from the public domain?

I don't know about you, but if somebody gave me 90% of the answers before a test, don't you think it'd be easy to get a great grade?

Of course it would, and that's exactly what using public domain content in your internet marketing business is like.

Once You Discover How To Properly Exploit All Of The Content In The Public Domain For Your Own Profits, You're Literally Going To Bust Your Gut Laughing At Everyone Doing It The Hard Way!

Public domain content is like steroids for your internet marketing business.

You've got to know where to source this content from, because there isn't just a single place you go to get it.

And then after you get it, you've got to know how to use properly and effectively in order to make the most money!

When I first started out with public domain content, I had a very hard time finding the actual good stuff that I could use.

Just like anything else in life, not all public domain content is created equal.

A lot of it is good, and some of it is bad.

It took me months and months to finally perfect a real system that I could use in order to find great content to use in my business consistently.

And when I finally did, it was awesome!

My workload was reduced to mere fractions of what it used to be, and shockingly, I started making a lot more money than I was before.

This was because I was working smarter and not harder.

And I've got some great news for you.

If you're looking to leverage the incredible profit pulling power lying dormant within public domain content then you'll be excited to hear this.

Over the past few weeks I've created the ultimate manual to finding and using public domain content to make money online.

Now Introducing:

"Public Domain Profits"